Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Wednesday Wish (46)

There’s a dancing in the trees. Did you notice it today when you went outside? Even in the grocery store parking lot and on the highway where everybody’s in a rush, aching to be somewhere other than where they are….the dancing…its there, too. I feel it. Do you?

It’s something like a little itch inside and when you shine light on it, it starts to shimmy. Just a little bit. But still, it’s there. It’s fresh and alive…and it feels new. Like a baby worm inching it’s way along on a cold, windy day. It’s unsure of itself. Until you start to listen, until you start to turn the sunshine on. And then…it begins to feel heard, seen, invited to be what it was always meant to be. This baby worm, its really a butterfly in disguise and the dancing in the trees…is really your heart finding its wings, soaring in the way it was meant to---free and alive and hopeful. Not naïve, but filled with belief in the goodness of life. Not afraid, but trusting in the beauty that is meant for you. Not hesitant, but sure, sure of the You in you, in the magic in you, in the love that you are in your core.

So this week…I invite you to feel the dancing in the trees and in your Self, to find that lightness, that hope, and dwell there. Put your mind in the back seat and give your dancing heart the reins. Ok? Here, let me give you a taste of how that feels. From my dancing heart to yours…no matter where you are in the world...a joy that is always available to you, a joy that wants to get up and dance:


Diane and Chad said...

thank you sooo much! I LOVE this...filled my heart this morning:)

Michael J. Fitzgerald said...

You had me right way with the 'dancing in the trees' but watching that video, well, how can you not have a smile on your face after that. Nicely written piece and nicely composed with the video. I'm downloading the song from the video right now to dance to when I go out walking... or is it dancing? Dancing to magic...

Brynne said...

That makes me soo happy!! Thanks for filling my heart, dear soul!!:) Happy Wednesday!!

Brynne said...

Yes...I bet, being that you live in Sherwood:) Did you see his first video back in 2008? Try that one next! What a beautiful way to spend one's precious time...reminding people to ignite the dance in themSelves! Now we just have to be little dominos and pass on those happy feelings....:) Wanna with me?!

Michael J. Fitzgerald said...

It's a deal... and yes, I did see his first video... I had my students dancing in the classroom along with it... Great fun... 'Tripping the Light' right now...

Brynne said...

What a beautiful picture...your classroom dancing:) Thank you, Michael...mister light tripper:)

Deniz Bevan said...

Lovely, Brynne. I'm tapping my foot already.

Brynne said...

Deniz...soo sweet you are. I can see your smile from here, too:)

RoughWaterJohn said...

My heart dances every time I visit your pages, or hear and feel your thoughts. I love trees, and though they may seldom be seen to dance physically, their leaves whisper in the wind of the music in their core. Life is a song, that sings to me every day. Beautiful, thank you my sweet dancing friend. :-)

Brynne said...

my heart dances when you visit, too, my friend...what a joy you are in my life, sweet soul! I think we were formed of the same cloud....

Chronicles of Illusions said...

Oh Brynne, today I am going to dance in the street just because I can...how I love the image of Matt with the girls doing ballet.
So...now I know you don't usually do these things - but - with your senses being what they are I can't help but be curious what colours you'd find and where you'd find them...so


Brynne said...

What FUN, Jo!! I will start working on this right away!! I wish I could take a picture of you dancing in the street...i wonder what colors you would make, my friend...probably a rainbow:)