It was a dreary kind of day. Heads hung low, spirits sagged,
even the trees seemed to droop, their branches heavy under the weight of it
all. Little girl and I, we sat in the car waiting for Papi to return. He
wouldn’t be long. And we didn’t mind. We had time. And when there is time,
imagination gets to play.
I reached into my bag and pulled out a small jar of liquid.
Pink liquid. With a little wand tucked inside. I showed it to little girl.
“Yay!” She
clapped. “Bubbles!”
Of course I
yay’d and clapped, too. They were bubbles, after all. And in a heavy-feeling
parking lot on a dreary kind of day.
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Photo courtesy of hannahduffyphotography via Flickr |
At first there were just a few but I kept dipping and
blowing and dipping and blowing and soon, the parking lot started to dance with
bubbles. An old man with a sour frown looked up, and wondered into the sky. A
child dropped his mother’s hand and leaped to catch one. The mother laughed. The
sister and a stranger in a car, they laughed, too. The worker who collected
shopping carts stopped to watch. A dog began to bark. And a man dressed in a
suit grew a fresh smile. Eyes tried to follow their origin. Spirits grew
curiosity. And was it just me? Or was the air softening just a little bit? Was
the day just a little less dreary and a little more magic? Yes, I am sure it was.
And not just in our little car as we waited for Papi and let our imaginations
play. Everywhere around us, too.
* * *
How would your world change if right now,
you started
blowing bubbles?
* * *
In a grocery store…on an airplane…in traffic…at the dentist’s
office…at the mechanic’s…in a law firm…at the post office…in a restaurant…in a
department store…beside a train…over a lake…on a beach…off a balcony…into a
garden…in your cubicle…in your bath…at a red light…in a staff meeting…going
through customs…in a coffee shop...when you’re on hold…
Let bubbles soften your day
I sat on my lake overlook with a five-year-old last week, blowing bubbles, watching them go out over the water 100 feet below. It was soothing and beautiful and kind of magical, too. Some of the bubbles lifted up like they were headed to heaven, others went a few feet and winked out of existence. Uh-oh, I see the metaphors now in all this. I'm lifting up, today, I believe.
You give me such smiles, Michael!! What a beautiful picture! Thank youU...mister soul-awake bubble maker!:)
Beautiful Brynne, I wish I had seen your bubble show! It sounds like the kind of thing only someone as spontaneous and free spirited like you would do! Two days ago, as I walked with the doggies near the beach, a little girl on a stroller blew bubbles at us. One landed on Roxy's nose and another got tangled in my hair. It was the kind of happening that makes you giggle. I think I shall buy a little jar of magic, I mean, bubbles, and blow them at unsuspecting strangers. I wonder what reactions I will get! Hugs and kisses for you all the way from Spain, amiga! :)
Even as adults(?), I know we would have so much fun on the playground together, and anything can be a playground. :-) I love that you do things that makes people smile, if only by observation. It lets them know it's OK to let the child within outside to play. It's not the adult smiling, it's the child inside, what they are and what they want to be, that sees the fun and wants to join in. Our youth spends way too much time tucked inside the adult shell of our lives, I'm so glad yours has free reign to play and entertain. I learn so much more by what my youth does in my life, than what the adult part of me does. And the lessons are much more fun. ;-)
Never underestimate the power of bubbles. I know they can make someone I know stop crying in their tracks. :)
Dearest Brynne,
Your bubbles reached across the world to change the grey rain soaked skies of New Zealand in to a rainbow for me.
OOoh, Bella...I *do* sooo hope you buy a little jar of magic because last I checked, you were my sister of spontaneity and free spirited living.:) You know what that means, right? I've got this continent bubble-covered so you're in charge of the other one across the pond:) Besitos, Amiga!
Love the 'even as adults(?)' Isn't that the truth! Of course we are grown up, you and Jo and I, but just on the outside. On the shell part, as you say:) I wish you knew what joy you two bring to me every time I find you here. Its like talking to the two other berries in our happy little pod:) Thank you, bright spirit!! Cant wait for August!! Dont forget to send me details!!!
Thanks for your words, dear David! You know...I bet there's a lot more than just one who stops crying when they meet bubbles. And anything that soothes crying is pretty magical to me:) Happy day, dear soul!
My dear, dear Jo...I wrote to you above in John's response, too...your spirit brightens my days, and your words...always warm my heart. Thank you, dear Jo. Dearly.
I saw that Brynne,
So interesting you guys are meeting up in a birthday present for me !!!!
when is your birthday, dear Jo??!!
In the middle there somewhere I think...
Hush now. Do I have to pick a date thats not correct?! And anyway...your birthday isnt about you. Its about all the people who love you, showing and telling you so! So humpf!
Humpf huh ???? You're so eloquent at times Brynne.
Oh alrighty then...the 16th...I shall be all of 54.
thank you, my dear beautiful spring chick. :)
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