Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wednesday Wish (19)

Its Thanksgiving in the United States, a time for Americans, world over, to reflect on their lives and what they are thankful for. Me, my list is long, much too long to share in a blog post. But there is one. One on my list that I must share. One that means an awful lot to me. And it is...you. I am thankful for you. You read my heart, you give me a chance to speak to your own, and sometimes you even touch my soul. So today, for Thanksgiving, I thank you. I thank you from my heart for walking this part of my journey with me. Its been an honor and a pleasure and a heck of a lot of fun:)

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My Wednesday Wish for You?

First, to listen to this song and to let it affect you, to let it speak to you in the way you need to be spoken to. And to remember that even though Heather Headley is singing, it is my wish for you...

And second, to let yourself be more affected this week. To open yourself up for more to enter in. Maybe you will cry when you need to and not pretend it doesn't hurt. Maybe you will hug someone when the urge strikes instead of letting it go for another time. Maybe you will laugh, laugh, laugh and much louder than anyone else. Yes, the emotion. Let it all in. And let it all out. Be affected this week in ways you haven't allowed yourself before. Feel for the homeless man who holds a sign for food. Shiver for the school children as they wait for the morning bus. Find tender thoughts for the lost dog wandering along the road. Or the forest tree loaded with ice and snow, caving under the weight of it all. And then, with open eyes, watch how a simple act of being more affected by your surroundings can change not just how you see, but what you see.

You know, a long time ago I allowed myself to be affected by you and because of that simple choice, I see and feel more magic now than I ever have before. And that is good, very very good. Thank you, from my heart.


Chronicles of Illusions said...

What a wonderful thing this is

John Kowalski said...

So very beautiful Brynne. So beautiful. Pure magic. Thank you for YOU.

MiMi Atkins said...

What a beautiful blog! I love this! Your words are so moving and poignant. I am reminded of Rascal Flatt's song "One Wish!"

Michael Ann said...

And thank YOU for sharing yourself with us!

Debra said...

Ditto Brynne. I’m thankful for your fun-loving, joyful, sweet spirit. I make a bee-line over here every Wednesday, because, well, I need my weekly dose of magic like hummingbirds need sweet water. And so, thank you!

Samantha Sotto said...

Thank you for the magic you continue to weave in our lives, Brynne :)

Brynne said...

Thank you, dear Jo. I am so glad you are here with me:)

Brynne said...

I am happy you liked it, John. I am thankful for YOU!:)

Brynne said...

SoOo happy to see your name here, Mimi! Its been a long time! Cant wait to go listen to "One Wish"! Come back soon, beautiful girl!:)

Brynne said...

Michael Ann...always a pleasure to find you here! I will visit you soon! Hope it was a beautiful Thanksgiving for you! Hugs, bright spirit!:)

Brynne said...

And every Wednesday when I see your name, I turn into pure smile! Thank you for being a kindred spirit of mine, dear Debra! lovelovelove!:)

Brynne said...

Awwm Sam...thank you! Lighting up at your kind hearted words:) And the magic you weave in the world, dear soul....continues to touch hearts! SoOo proud/happy/twirly-inside for you! YAY!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderfully wondrous wish, Brynne, that encapsulated my day with my family yesterday. Heather Headley's song is the icing on the cake; I first became familiar with her talent on the Broadway soundtrack of Elton John's AIDA. :-) xo

Brynne said...

SoOo happy you enjoyed it, Coco:) I had never met Heather Headley before a few days ago...wow...what soul! And it makes me smile to know her soul 'incapsulated' your day with your family! Hooray! Hugs from afar, my friend. Always happyhappy to find you here! Thanks for your words:)

Deniz Bevan said...

I think I'll take your wish and apply it to my characters. More stuff needs to happen to them!

Bella said...

Brynne, I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful! This post is so beautiful--just like you! The song is so lovely. The lyrics made me teary. I'm so grateful to have met you. Your words encourage me to believe there is good in the world, in people, in everyday circumstances. Thank you for your support, encouragement, and above all, for teaching us that living can be magical if we allow it to be! Hugs!

Brynne said...

Oooh..that makes me happy, Deniz! Thanks for sharing!! HUGS!

Brynne said...

Bella...dear, dear Bella...I think your comment above may be one of the most beautiful comments I have ever read. It went straight to my heart to remind me that this isnt just a blog, its a place to connect, to be more human, and to share love. Thank you, beautiful girl. So very very much. Treasure.