'Like' Benjamin Francis Smart; A Love Story on Lulu.com, send me
an email that you did so (brynnebetz(at)yahoo(dot)com), and I will
enter you in a drawing to win a signed copy!A short story from me to you. With love, me, Brynne
musings on the beauty of life....
© Brynne Betz
Brynne, I looked through the preview and this sounds like the kind of story that hooks you from beginning to end! I didn't know you were a published author! I feel as if I'm in the presence of royalty, lady! :)
You are sOO kind, dear Bella. It has a special message that I just had to share. And its fun to test the waters so to speak before my novel comes out! Almost done editing! SoOo exciting! Thanks for the kind-hearted support, dear Bella. Love you!
p.s. and thanks for always bringing a smile to my day when I read your blog...you are pure delight!
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