Monday, March 14, 2011

Love Muffin (noun)

1 a (1) : term of endearment <I’ll miss you, Love Muffin> (2) : Slang –informal term of address <Love Muff Or Muff>

2 : parcels of affection <sending you love muffins>

3 :warm feeling, flutter, or emotion <Ooo…I feel love muffins>

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Squish (noun)

1 :love-infused embrace. A step up from a hug. Reserved for moments you wish to convey a deeper sense of affection. <a bushel and a peck and a squish around the neck>

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F.S.D. (noun)

1 : Fresh start day, also known as ‘Monday’ in the English speaking world. Used when an extra boost is needed, particularly useful for the first Monday after day light savings. <How’s your FSD going, Mary?>

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A wise soul once said that one of the greatest gifts we can give is to see one another with fresh eyes each time we connect. Inanimate objects, included. Maybe it’s a form of forgiveness. Maybe it’s an invitation to reinvent yourself. Maybe it’s a way to leave baggage behind, bait your imagination, and jump start joy.


Samantha Sotto said...

Love this. Thanks for sharing your positive thoughts and energy. You've definitely jump started my joy today :)

Debi said...

Hug & a squish for you!!

Brynne said...

Thanks for the Love Muffs, Sam and Debi! Here's some for your pocket for later...

Anonymous said...

I really appreciate the concept that every time we see someone it is a new experience. It is hard to remember that, especially with some of my family, but worth pursuing! Great recipe for love muffins!! Thanks! MMF