Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wednesday Wish (123); Brave

photo by robert van den baar via googleimages

He looked sad. But I didn’t focus on that, I looked past that, to a place he thought he hid, didn’t know he wore. And there, I saw his dream. His oldest dream, the one that kept him up at night, that kept him feeling guilty because he held it like a secret, even from his wife. I wondered if it would help to say anything, then made sure I would only speak if it had nothing to do with me and everything to do with him. And when it felt right, not when I was sure, but when the feelings told me it was time, I spoke--in passing so as not give him more reason to fear.
            “You’re supposed to write. The world needs you to write.” I paused as he stared at me in disbelief. Our smiles met, softening me even more. “I felt it, strongly, as soon as I saw you.” And that was when both of our smiles reached the edges of our cheeks.

*          *          *

There was something about her. Maybe the way she walked, maybe the way she held her arms or the slight stiffness in her neck. Or maybe it was something else entirely, something I might never fully understand. But still, it's true, some part of her that wasn't her voice, spoke. She wanted to take the proverbial leap but she just couldn’t wrap her head around that darn net that was supposed to appear. Where was it? Why couldn’t she see it yet? Was it this hard for everyone else to follow their dreams? Why then, did it have to be so hard for her? I saw it all, her struggle inside, like an aura, like the cloud around Charlie Brown’s friend Pig Pen. And because I was jogging past her and had to act fast, I trusted what I felt. I let Brave guide me, blurting out at the last second… “Do it. Live your dream, start the business. Let me be the messenger you were waiting for…!” And her hand went up to cover her mouth in shock.

*          *          *

Sometimes each of us feels things that our minds cannot understand. You might call it déjà vu, she might call it intuition, he might call it a sixth sense. But maybe, just maybe, it’s who we all are when we slow down enough, tune in enough, to listen, really listen to what’s going on in the lives of those around us. Maybe we aren’t just here to ride the wave, to find our happy, to grow peonies and lupines and color the world with our own unique brush. Maybe … we’re also here for each other.

My Wish this week is that you find your Brave and Be it. Be brave enough to tune in. Be brave enough to honor what you sense. Be brave enough to honor who you are, in fact, who we all are. Take the chance to affect someone else’s life for the better. Maybe he will never share his story if you don’t tell him he already has a fan. Maybe she won't open up that business, the one that would surely bring squeals of joy to so many children, if you don’t remind her that the universe is on her side. And you? Yes, even you. Maybe you won't realize the full potential of your one wild soul until you find your Brave and start walking strangers home.


Michael J. Fitzgerald said...

Another insightful and inspiring Presence... Awesome (an overused word but soooo fitting in this case). Something pushed me to read this today, in the early morning, instead of diving into a piece of writing that needs to be done and a video that people are waiting to see. Slow down, this said to me, slow down and do things in their time, my time, too. Thanks Brynne... again!

Anonymous said...

As always you seem to reach out and fill a need I didn't know I had until I read your words.

Brynne said...

I love knowing that you gave yourself the gift of slowing down, dear Michael, the gift of listening to what your needs are on a deeper level. That's not easy to do. And especially when you are something of a visionary for so many people around you. So here's a hug of support, my friend. You are Brave and Beautiful! Thank you for sharing yourSelf with me:)

Brynne said...

Beautiful Jo...funny how you always give a similar
gift to me. Ohhh, how I love our pea-berry connection:)