Thursday, February 23, 2012

Thursday Interlude

An invitation
 to raise your voice... to speak your soul's truth.


Chronicles of Illusions said...

Wow Brynne, this was exactly what I needed today...when my soul is a little battered. Thank you !!!

Brynne said...

Soo sorry to hear your soul is a little battered, my dear friend. *heavy heartfelt sigh* So happy this helped. And I am sorry I haven't been here much, or there much. I have a new computer so am hopeful things will be smoother now. Sending you love and the knowing that 'this too shall pass'. I love you, Jo.

Chronicles of Illusions said...

Just knowing that you exist is soothing dear Brynne...and your presence is always felt

Debra said...

Thanks dear Soul. You brighten my day always, and today is no exception. ~ love and blessings

Brynne said...

dear, dear too, brighten my days and find a way to put even more love in my heart. Thank you, angel.

Brynne said...

thank you, beautiful Jo. I feel the same way about you, my dear friend.

RoughWaterJohn said...

Thanks, that was a beautiful interlude in an already beautiful day. :-)

Brynne said...

You gave me a happy smile before bed, my friend. Thank you:) And soo happy your day has been beautiful!